Strategies for increasing allied health recruitment and retention in rural Australia: A Rapid Review

CLIENT: Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH)

DATE: 2019

Services for Australian Rural and Remote Allied Health (SARRAH) was commissioned by the NSW Ministry of Health, Workforce Planning and Talent Development Branch to develop a paper outlining the evidence for strategies that have proven effective or ineffective for increasing allied health rural recruitment and retention in Australia. SARRAH engaged KBC Australia to assist the agency undertake the assignment.

The rapid review took a macro level approach to examine strategies designed to attract, recruit and retain allied health professionals to rural practice. The review synthesised available Australian and international evidence drawing on published literature and grey literature identified through industry knowledge. The review resulted in the development of an evidence-based framework that merged existing strategies to create a rural allied health pipeline across the professional lifespan from university to mature career stage. The rapid review identified opportunities for innovation recognising the need to establish connected training, employment and career pathways; supervision and support; and funding mechanisms for sustainable positions

Rapid Review -Strategies for increasing AH recruitment and retention in rural Australia KBC Australia