Evaluation of the Better Health Care Connection Trial

CLIENT: Commonwealth Department of Health

DATE: 2017 - 2018

KBC was contracted to conduct an evaluation of the BHCC trial. The trial ran for four years finishing in July 2017 and involved two separate strands. The first involved trialing the use of video conferencing between General Practitioners and residents in Residential Aged Care Facilities, and the second was a multidisciplinary care coordination and advisory service. Nine sites were funded: 8 Medicare Locals and 1 Aged Care Provider. The 8 Medicare Local sites transferred to Primary Health Networks in 2015.

Key Deliverables:

  • Evaluation framework and plan
  • Obtaining ethics approval
  • Environmental scan
  • Review of written progress reports and data
  • Report on site visits and interviews
  • Information synthesis workshop and feedback to DOH
  • Final Report


The Final Report identified lessons learnt for the provision of GP video consultation into RACFs, identified strategies to promote provision of GP care in RACFs, identified key learnings to support multidisciplinary care and care coordination in residential aged care settings and identified mechanisms to improve linkages between the health and aged care sector.