KBC was engaged to undertake a training and development needs analysis of the Aboriginal child and family sector workforce to inform the development of an Aboriginal workforce strategy for the sector in the context of refocusing services to a holistic approach to care.
Key deliverables
- Forum with Expert Advisory Group to develop an overarching capability matrix reflecting a holistic approach to care i.e. spanning community education and development, early intervention and family strengthening, Out of Home Care and Residential care, Restoration, leaving care and after care.
- Four forums with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and partners to populate the capability matrix
- Survey of forum participants to identify individual training needs.
A foundational knowledge and skills matrix to provide the basis for a Vocational training package for the Aboriginal child and family sector workforce. Identification of core capabilities of organisations to progress a holistic approach to care by Aboriginal Community Controlled providers.
Capabilities Demonstrated
- Environmental scan to develop sound understanding of service system and context
- Sector engagement
- Co-design of capability matrix