Forward to Fellowship – Business Case

CLIENT: Rural Health West

DATE: 2013

Rural Health West and the Goldfields Midwest Medicare Local engaged KBC Australia to develop a business case for an Integrated Education and Training Program to assist International Medical Graduates (IMGs) practising in rural and remote Western Australia achieve General Practice Fellowship in a timely manner. This project built on earlier work undertaken by Western Australia General Practice Education and Training (WAGPET) to build training capacity in Kalgoorlie-Boulder. The project identified IMG education and training needs in Kalgoorlie, with a special focus on Aboriginal Health; identified the barriers and enablers to meeting these needs; defined the core elements and costs of an integrated education and training program to general practice fellowship. A business case was prepared for the training model. (RHW – 2013). This integrated training and support program has been implemented in the Kalgoorlie region, with 20 IMGs participating in the program. It has now been extended to the Pilbara region of WA.